Students Union

Objectives of the Student Union

  1. Developing spiritual and moral values ​​and national and national awareness, accustoming them to leadership, and providing them with opportunities to express who is responsible for their performance.
  2. Promoting healthy university spirit among students and strengthening ties between them and faculty members and workers.
  3. Discovering students’ talents, abilities and skills and encouraging them.
  4. Disseminating and encouraging the formation of student families and associations and supporting their activities.
  5. Publishing and organizing student, social, scouting, artistic and cultural activities, raising their level and encouraging those who excel in them.
  6. Organizing the use of students’ energies in serving the community in a way that brings good to the community.

Nomination procedures for student union membership

The student submits the nomination form for the elections from the Student Welfare Department at the college along with three recent photographs on the date specified by Mr. Prof./ President of the University.
The following conditions are required for the student nominated for union membership:

  • Student must have Egyptian nationality.
  • To be one of the regular and new students in his group.
  • Student must have paid the union fees.
  • Student must be of noteworthy activity.
  • Student must be characterized by good morals and good reputation.
  • Student must not have previously been sentenced to a freedom-restricting penalty or whose membership in one of the Student Union committees has been dropped.
