Scientific missions

Scientific assignments for faculty members:


This is in accordance with the following rules and conditions:
- Preferably a doctorate holder from the country.
- Exempting members of scientific missions who hold doctorates from abroad from the language course of the country holding the scientific mission.
The age of the professor must not exceed 55 years, the assistant professor must not be more than 50 years old, and the teacher must not be more than 45 years old.

Linguistic levels and computers The linguistic and computer levels apply to members of internal missions, joint supervision, and external missions as follows:


Obtaining a score of 550 on the( International TOEFL test )or 7 scores on the( ILETS) test.
If the foreign university requires a higher level, it must be achieved and obtained before traveling.

French language

Obtaining an intensive course from the French Cultural Center (9 levels) in addition to a certificate stating that this level qualifies for postgraduate studies in French universities.

German language

Obtaining a certificate of completion of the nine basic stages (GIII) of 400 hours from the Goethe-Institut in Cairo, Alexandria and the language education centers in Assiut.

The International TOEFL level is a basis for travel to non-English speaking countries, provided that it is not less than 500 in addition to the language of the country you are traveling to (French - Russian - German - Spanish - Turkish... etc.)

Obtaining an International Computer Driving License (ICDL)

Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education:

Foreign scholarships announced on the Ministry of Higher Education website: