Vision of the Department
Mission of the Department
Through the vision of the Faculty and the Department, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry grants students, whether undergraduate or postgraduate ones, a wide and varied scientific background in the field of organic chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry that qualifies them to develop medicaments and create new methods to analyze medicine. At the Department, basics of some branches of chemistry are taught before starting to teach pharmaceutical chemistry. In addition, the Department gives particular interest to clarifying the relation between the molecular composition of medication and its movement and dynamics in body, its biological effect and methods of analysis. Moreover, those chemistry principles are considered essential for learning formulation and development of medication whether in traditional ways or with the help of computer programs.
Postal Address: Tanta Al-Geish St., the Medical Campus Postal Number: 31527 Electronic Site: Phone Number: 3336007 – 3336409 (040) Internal Phone: 307 Fax: 040-3335466