Alumni Unit - Unit Manager Speech

Speech of the Prof. Dr. Thanaa El- Masry “Director of the unit”

It gives me great pleasure and pleasure to welcome my fellow graduates from the Faculty of Pharmacy - Tanta University - the beginning of the 1974 graduates, and to congratulate you on your efforts in achievement during the years of study and work after graduation, after the faculty provided all the necessary scientific and practical requirements, which helped in acquiring the skills eligible for the labor market in Egypt and abroad in a competitive manner, wishing you a successful and blessed practical life that contributes to the realization of all your wishes and aspirations. The faculty is keen to invite you to attend and participate in the meetings and training programs through which we seek to benefit from the experienced graduates, develop the capabilities of pharmacists, and raise your efficiency according to the needs of the labor market. The unit is also keen on activating the continuous communication of the graduates with each other and with their college and enlightening their opinions, which helps everyone to improve the services of the Faculty of Pharmacy - Tanta University.
I ask God to guide us to what is in the service and elevation of our beloved college.

 Alumni  Unit Manager