Drug and Poison Information Center - Vision and Mission


The vision of Tanta University DPIC is to improve national healthcare service through provision of evidence-based, unbiased, patient oriented drug information services & adverse drug reporting system.


  • Responding to drug inquiries related to the use of the drug and providing the health care professionals and patients with drug information related to the patient’s care to achieve the optimal use of the drug in addition to the provision of other toxicological managing information.
  • Educational activities to support the rational optimal use of drugs as well, supporting research activities.
  • Continous medical education and training courses in various fields of pharmacy for students, undergraduates, postgraduate students, and researchers.
  • Issuing a Drug Information Bulletin periodically to take a look at medical& pharmaceutical news.
  • Supporting the National Pharmaceutical Vigilance Program by following up and monitoring side effects and problems related to use of pharmaceutical preparations within regional hospitals.
  • Contributing to the establishment of various treatment protocols and prescription booklet services in regional hospitals.