Youth care committees

• Art Committee
          Through this committee students can take part in art competitions, hold exhibitions of fine arts, and participate in the theatric artistic festival organized at the University.          

• Sport Committee

         Via this committee, students can practice all sport activities through individual games (such as swimming, boxing, wrestling, judo, karate taekwondo, weight lifting and bodybuilding, squash and athletics), in addition to collective games (such as football, basketball, volleyball, handball and table tennis) with participation in the refresher tournament at the Faculty, in University tournament and Universities' tournament.

• Groups Committee
      You can join one of the existing groups at the Faculty or form a new one. Each group has a leader of teaching staff members at the Faculty and a rapporteur of students. Through a group, students can practice all different activities (sport, cultural, trips, camps, and groups' tournament).

Steps of Group Formation:
 - The leader of the group presents a request to groups' committee leader in Student Union at the Faculty. The request shows the name of the group.
- A list of group formation is presented
- The aims of the groups are indentified .
- The activity plan of group throughout the academic year is determined. A list of students who are going to join the group is submitted. These students must be 50 at least. In addition, it is necessary to show the year, address and phone number of the students. ·
- The file is ratified by leader of the group and leader of groups' committee. It is, then, presented to Student Welfare Department at the Faculty.
- Activities of the group cannot practice until the group is ratified by Faculty Dean and by University Vice President for Education and Student Affairs.

• Political and Cultural Committee
       Through this committee, students can participate in different cultural competitions
       organized by the University and the Faculty.
       They can also arrange cultural, religious, literary and other symposiums.       

• Scout and Public Service Committee

Through this committee, students can take part in the camps that serve the environment and recreational camps as well as scout courses inside and outside the governorate via membership in scout of the Faculty.

  • Scientific and Technological Activity Committee
- Scientific and Technological Activity Committee holds scientific symposiums and scientific lecturers with the purpose of developing scientific and technological skills, disseminating knowledge as for production and application via science clubs and scientific associations.
- The committee aims to encourage students on writing scientific papers and science fiction stories because they stimulate students to conduct research, read, give opinion and present solutions.
- It shows scientific films, publishes scientific bulletins and fliers, and holds scientific exhibitions that include students' scientific production and recent innovations in the field of science and technology in order to enhance scientific innovation for Faculty students.
- It is interested in organizing scientific competitions and making trips to various scientific places such as museums, factories, companies that offers training to students, and new scientific cities.
- It gives opportunities to students who are talented at programming and computer through presenting their innovations, creating sites on the internet, and offering the chance of making a CD about the Faculty, the University and the governorate.

• Social Activity and Trips Committee:

It includes social activities and social aids.

The social activities are:
- Organizing recreational and cultural trips to all tourist cities in the Republic
- Arranging a blood donation campaign in cooperation with Student Welfare General Administration and Blood Bank
- Holding the competition of ideal male student and ideal female student
- Organizing chess competition

The social assistance are:
- The assistance of the Social Solidarity Fund: Through the Fund, financial and in-kind assistant is given to students who are entitled to it.
How can a student get assistance from the Social Solidarity Fund?
A student goes to the social specialist at Student Welfare Department at the Faculty to get a letter to the social unit the student is affiliated to.
The student submits the social research and attaches to it a ratified statement showing the income of the family (a statement of salary, pension, agricultural holding or an administrative certificate of freelance business)
The student presents a request to Chairman of the Administration Board of the Social Solidarity Fund.

Youth care committees